Ans. Group frequency
2) In positively skewed curve _________.
Ans. The tail is in the positive direction & the hump is in the negative direction.
3) A frequency polygon is a _________.
Ans. Line graph
4) A score in the 60th percentile means ________.
Ans. Equal to surpass 60% of raw score
5) For skewed data which measure of variability is useful.
Ans. interquartile range
6) SEM can be calculated from sample ______
Ans. Standard deviation and sample size
7) What is the standard deviation if the data represent a population ______.
Ans. Standard error
8) Kurtosis is relative __________.
Ans. Peakedness of the data
9) Mean + 1.96 SD covers ________.
Ans. 95% of area
10) Power is ________.
Ans. 1-b
11) Incorrectly rejecting null is ____.
Ans. Type I error
12) Mann whitney U test is alternative to ______.
Ans. dependent t